Here at Marion Center, we are excited to announce that next year we will add a segment to the Marion Center Newspaper, the Feature Athlete Column! The segment will begin to run in the fall of 2023, and articles will be published on a weekly basis. Each week there will 2 athletes chosen to be featured.
The introduction of a new feature athlete column in the Stinger Newspaper is a welcome addition to the sports section. This column will provide readers with an in-depth look at some of the most talented, inspiring, and humble athletes from the high school.
Showcasing athletes from all sports here, including football, basketball, cheerleading, track, and field, and more. Readers can expect to learn about their training routines, their personal stories, and their achievements both on and off the field.
This segment will not only provide readers with entertainment but also inspiration. Athletes are often seen as role models for young people, and this column will give them an opportunity to share their experiences and motivate others to pursue their dreams.
In order to be considered for a spot in the featured athlete section of the newspaper you have to meet the following qualifications:
Play at least one sport, this can include a sport for Marion Center Area School District or an outside-of-school sport such as travel baseball or rugby.
Be in good academic standing.
Show both on and off the court/field/mat.
Be nominated by a coach, friend, teacher, or community member.
To nominate someone, or yourself click here.