Should I Put Music Classes on my Schedule?

Carley Shoop, Preforming Arts Editor

Students going to District Band stopping for lunch. Left: Carley Shoop, Olivia Short, Dillon Green, Charlie Marshall; Right: Danielle Adams, Alex Johnson, Mr. Page

Our Marion Center music programs have a reputation for being very strong. COVID has decimated these programs and we are now trying to get them back to the way they used to be. As scheduling is coming up next week, many students are asking the question: should I join band or choir? I and many others will say yes because music classes are not only a way of self-expression, but also help you become a more well-rounded student, but more importantly, a well-rounded person.

Our choir program is easily the most in need, because band is growing in numbers, but choir hasn’t been as popular. It is clear how strong the choir program is just by examples of our own students. Two members in the past three years have made it to nationals, with more making it to All-East and All-State. Sadie Juart is heading off to All-State and Madilyn Buffone is going to All-East later this month.  The choir goes on trips like Kennywood, Baseball games, and competitions.

Most people are hesitant to join choir because they don’t want to solo or be heard.

Halloween in the choir room. Left: Brittany McIntire; Right: Allison Yomeans

This is not the case. If there is a solo, you don’t have to do it unless you want to and one thing that is worked on a lot in choir is blending so no one can hear you individually, instead hearing the group as one larger voice.

Band is very similar in most of these ways. We go on trips all the time, especially with the marching band (Check out Disney Trip in Review). The marching band is easily the organization in this school that travels the most and most of the time we are at places, it’s just having fun and only a small part is actually performing. Though the performing aspect is a favorite part for many. There is just something about putting so much work into an act, then being able to share it with the community.

Don’t overlook the fact that it feels amazing to be part of something bigger than yourself. Being able to work with people in these musical settings really helps develop soft skills which you will have to use for the rest of your life, both professionally, and socially. Not to mention, studies show that students who participate in musical groups have higher scores in both math and English classes.

If you want to be a leader, there are positions for you; if you want to just do it casually, there are positions for you; if you want a period to relax and have a little fun in your day, the music department is for you. I believe if you even have the slightest interest in taking a music class or joining a musical group, you should definitely do it. If you don’t like it, there is no one telling you you can’t quit. You will make some of the best friends and some of the best memories in these music programs and being able to perform in a music program with the reputation ours has is an amazing opportunity (it also looks REALLY good on college applications).