I have experienced both sides of in-person and cyber-school. I think that in-person is way better than cyber school. I think this because, at an in-person school, you have the opportunity to communicate with actual words. On the other hand, for cyber school, you communicate with people through text. Meanwhile, when you do cyber school, you have to do your lessons on your own time, or you join a meeting during the assigned time and you listen to your teacher(s) and pay attention like you would normally do. You also get the choice to turn your camera on or off. Some teachers would like you to have your camera on. While you’re in person you can socialize with your classmates, other students, and teachers/ other adults.
During my cyber school performance, I didn’t have any friends at all. All of the teachers I had were kind, but it felt weird because normally, people would do actual school that’s not on the computer the whole time or that you have to do everything on the computer. Sometimes it just gets annoying. Sometimes the school would send you a computer but then if you leave that school you would have to pay to mail that computer back to the school.
I felt like being at an in-person school would be better because I would get to interact and socialize with other students and adults. When you’re at an in-person school you don’t have to do extra lessons on your own time when you have the chance to do it, because what if you’re the person who puts things on the side that need to be done and never completes them? Then it would be overdue, and you might get points taken off of it. Also, at an in-person school if you lose something you can always ask the teacher for a new copy of the handout. Also, It would be easier to ask the teacher for an extension. This is why I think In-person school is a lot better.