I know a lot of students, including myself, dread hearing that there is an IXL we need to do. Should we continue to use IXL, or should we drop it, and use another learning tool?
While the older classmen may not know what IXL is, the younger classmen are often required to use it. IXL is a K-12 subscription-based learning system teachers often use for its personalized learning strategies for students.
Most students and some teachers probably know that the IXL app has faults. For example, many students go to their teacher complaining that they know that the answer is correct yet, it still marks it incorrect. I’ve found similar bugs in the English IXL section. Of course, there is the fault of students, themselves, getting the answers incorrect but, some teachers agree that the English section is buggy. I interviewed a couple of teachers on the matter. Mrs. Juart said that she enjoys using the app for education. Mrs. Williams loves the app because it is very helpful when you don’t understand a subject. I had also talked to the teachers about the flaws. While Mrs. Williams had not seen anyone come to her about an error in it, Mrs. Juart had said that it had its flaws.
Students find the work tedious, annoying, or even pointless. This could be because when the students get a question wrong, they lose a lot of points. It would be much better if you either lost fewer points or did not lose points at all. When you lose points, it makes you do the assignment longer. The point reduction makes it seem like a punishment. The point reduction could be partly why so many students dislike the app. I understand that it’s easy to use in most ways, but the app has a lot of flaws including not processing the answers correctly in the English section.
In my opinion, the app is great for students when it comes to math because it has other tools for when you’re stuck on a subject but with English, it tends to be very annoying when it incorrectly processes an answer, what do you think?