You may be looking around the school library or even a bookstore and wondering what you want to read. Do you enjoy fantasy and wizardry? The Harry Potter book series may be just the thing for you to read.
If you don’t know about Harry Potter, the series is about a boy who is accepted into a wizardry school. It follows him and his two other friends through their 8 years getting into trouble trying to save the school on multiple occasions. You may ask, ‘What is so special about him?’ He is one of the only people to have survived a powerful, dark wizard named Lord Voldemort. Harry Potter had taken Lord Voldemort’s powers as a baby after having his parents killed, and him being the only survivor.
It’s a great series for if you have time to kill or just enjoy fantasy reads. There are seven books in the series, each different from the other. It’s a great book if you are doing a book report. It’s lengthy but still fun to read. It’s not one of those series you have just to fill your room, it’s one of those series you read when you want a good read, or in class when you have no work. It’s just a good series to read when you can’t find anything, you just want to read something.
It’s a very interesting series because there are multiple cover styles for the book that, I think, first draw the reader in. Another thing that draws the reader in is how easy it is to picture what is happening in the book. It has a very complex plot, but it is still easy to understand what is happening in the story.
It’s best to read the books before watching the movies. The books may be almost verbatim, but it’s just more entertaining to read the books than to watch the movies. Reading the books gives a better understanding of the events in the series and movies. Some of the movies leave out parts that were in the book that help add to the plot.
Overall, I would highly recommend reading the Harry Potter series to read, just for the fun of it. It’s a great series with a great plot. What do you think?