Chances are you or someone you know has probably set a New Year’s resolution for 2025. That’s great. It’s very important to set goals for ourselves. However, we have to make sure they are realistic goals we will be able to achieve.
Popular New Year’s resolutions often have something to do with fitness, such as exercise or healthy eating, money, and mental health. Other New Year’s resolutions include goals surrounding family, friends, religion, time management, work, and hobbies.
Did you know that at least 57% of people set a New Year’s resolution? However, 23% of those people quit after the first week, and by the end of January, a total of 43% of people quit. Research suggests that only 9% of people who set a New Year’s resolution complete it.
So, why do so many people tend to quit their New Year’s resolutions so quickly? Well, I believe that it’s because they set unrealistic goals for themselves.
It would be a much better idea to start small. Set a smaller goal you could meet by the end of January. If you meet your goal, set a new one. If you don’t, keep working at it until you meet it. Another tip is to find someone to hold you accountable for your goal. An additional thing you can do is continuously find motivation for your goal. For example, if you are trying to eat healthier, look for delicious recipes to try that will help motivate you to eat healthier. The last tip I have is to reward yourself. When you’re setting your goals, think about how you could reward yourself. Make it something that will help you stay motivated.
Take some time to think about some goals you have for yourself. You could set an academic goal for school, such as getting all As or putting in more effort. In addition, set one or more personal goals. This could be some of the things mentioned above like a fitness, hobby, or relationship goal.
A goal I would challenge everyone to set for 2025 is to share kindness with everyone they meet.
2025 is your year! Set some goals, work hard, and make them count!
Image Source: Rescu app