The flu, pneumonia, and lots of other things are going around right now. Here’s some ways to help you avoid catching any of the sicknesses being passed around the school and community.
Getting enough sleep is so important (not just to help you avoid getting sick, but in general too.) A study conducted by Healthline shows that people who get a minimum of eight hours of sleep each night have better resistance to viruses. So, make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
Stay Active
Even just going on walks a few times a week can help boost your immune system. Staying active can boost your circulation, which will improve your body’s ability to fight off colds.
Vitamin D
Healthline says that many Americans do not get enough vitamin D. This can result in many negative impacts, including a weakened immune system. Spending time in the sunlight can help you get vitamin D, however during the winter months, people do not spend as much time outside, under the sun, causing weakened immune systems during the time of year more germs are going around. Don’t worry though, because there are other ways to get vitamin D. Some foods that contain vitamin D include egg yolks, mushrooms, salmon, beef liver, and canned tuna. One more thing to consider is taking a vitamin D supplement.
Go Anti-Inflammatory
Inflammation can cause your immune system to turn on the healthy tissue in your body. Anti-inflammatory foods include healthy fats, such as avocado and olive oil, and fresh herbs and spices. You’ll want to avoid foods with tons of added sugar, very processed foods, and fried foods. These things will increase inflammation and weaken your immune system.
Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands will help get rid of germs. Use soap and water. Be sure to wash your hands for at least twenty seconds. Many viruses live on your hands and washing them is a super great way to help get rid of them.
Don’t Touch Your Face
I’m sure you’ve heard this one before. Touching your face with unwashed hands can cause germs to enter your body through your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Stay Hydrated
While sick, you’re likely to be encouraged to drink more. This is because it can help flush the germs out of your body. In addition, staying hydrated will allow your blood to circulate better. This helps your body fight off sickness.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is commonly known as a vitamin that can help your immune system. Many people consume citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, or grapefruit, all which contain vitamin C, in order to help prevent sickness. However, some other foods that you may not know contain vitamin C include chili peppers, sweet yellow peppers, cantaloupe, parsley, mustard spinach, kale, kiwi, broccoli, brussel sprouts, papaya, and strawberries.
Try putting at least a few of these tips into practice this winter season to help give your immune system a boost and prevent sickness.