March is Music in Our Schools Month! This year’s theme for Music in Our Schools Month is United Through Music. This theme helps us think about how music brings people together and unites people, not only in our school, but in our community, and around the world as well. This month, we recognize the importance of musical education for students.
Marion Center Junior Senior High School provides lots of music education opportunities to its students. Some of the music programs in our school include junior and senior high concert bands and choir, marching band, musical, and jazz band. Each year, ICMEA (Indiana County Music Educators Association) sponsors a county choir event, as well as a county band event. Also, each year junior high students go to Band Fest and Junior Districts Choir. Starting in tenth grade, high school students are provided with the opportunity to audition for District Band, District Choir, and District Jazz.
Music performances in our school include winter and spring concerts by the choirs, concert bands, and jazz band. In addition to this, there is an annual musical. Families of students who are a part of county or district events are invited to those concerts as well. The Marion Center Area Marching Band also performs at football games and in parades.
Musical education is an important part of many student’s lives all over the world. Participating in music programs at school helps enhance students’ creativity and confidence. Studies show that participation in musical activities helps students improve their other academic skills as well. Music education helps develop language skills and supports math skills. Musical education has social benefits as well, such as improving teamwork and collaboration skills. Being part of music programs also introduces students to new people. It can help students make new friends. Another benefit of music education is an improvement of hand eye coordination. One more important benefit of music education is how it helps develop a sense of achievement in students.
As you can see, musical education is very important. Marion Center Junior Senior High School provides a lot of opportunities for students to be a part of musical programs. So, this March, let’s celebrate music and the way it brings us together and unites us, because we are united by music.
Works Cited:
Amanda Martin. “The Importance of Music Education in Schools – Graduate Programs for Educators.” Graduate Programs for Educators, 21 Aug. 2020,
“Music in Our Schools Month® – NAfME.” NAfME, 2024,