Senior Spotlight: Lyndsay Mallory

Mackenzie Thomas, Sports and Entertainment Editor

This year the Stinger Newspaper would like to recognize each of our seniors in the Senior Spotlight portion of our paper. We took the time to ask the class of 2023 some questions about themselves, and their time here at The Hive. Take some time today to read all about Lyndsay Mallory!

As a young child, Lyndsay always thought she would someday become a lawyer. While her youthful dream has slowly turned into something new, she is undoubtedly making an impact on the world. She proudly manages to have a part-time job, while also being an active member of the student body here at Marion Center. She has played varsity softball for 4 years, been a part of the Student Council for 2 years, Future Business Leaders of America for 2 years, and is a member of the National Honor Society for 1 year.

“I have made some of my favorite memories from high school at FBLA states,” Lyndsay tells the Stinger News. She also told us that more than anything, she loves traveling for her extracurriculars, and spending time with people is fun. Not only is Lyndsay a great person to be around out of school and at events, but she is also an exceptional student. She takes her academics very seriously and makes sure to keep good grades.

“My 9th-11th grade softball coach, Ed Peterson, has influenced me the most throughout my high school career. He always made sure we knew how important it was to have fun, even during the most stressful situations, and to always strive to be the best versions of ourselves.” Lyndsay said. Her time as a softball player has not only created lifelong memories but also left her with important life lessons.

Following her graduation from Marion Center in the spring, Lyndsay plans to attend the Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a major in nursing and a minor in Spanish. Her ultimate career goal is to become to a Registered Nurse at a high-level trauma hospital.

As we say farewell to her in the spring, she is beyond excited to move on to the bigger and better things in her life. Her farewell message to all of the underclassmen is: “Don’t take anything for granted. It seems like you spend forever in high school, but once it’s over you’ll realize how quick it was and how much you regret not doing it. Most importantly, be optimistic. You won’t enjoy it any other way.”