District Band and Jazz
District Recaps

PMEA District Band participants
February 28, 2023
Right after the marching band returned from Disney, Alex Johnson, Carley Shoop, Charlie Marshall, Dillon Green, and Olivia Short traveled to DuBois High School to participate in district band. After auditioning, Alex, Carley, Charlie, and Dillon placed high enough to participate in region band at the end of March. These six students were well prepared and represented Marion Center, the Marion Center Music Department, Mr. Page, and themselves very well. The five that moved on are currently practicing for region band in hopes of qualifying for All-State band.
French Horn player Madison Walker (class of 2022) made it to All-State last year and we hope to continue taking students to the All-State level. We have confidence in these five musicians that they will represent well and hopefully move on to the next level. We hope to see you supporting these students on March 25th in the Marion Center Auditorium for Region Band.
District Jazz Band was held on February 17th, at Freeport High School. Alex Johnson, Charlie Marshall, Sarah Moore, and Olivia Short all went to represent the Marion Center Jazz Band. These four students performed amazingly in their ensembles and we are so happy for District Jazz to be back after its three-year break because of COVID-19.
We are so happy to see our music programs go back to normal after COVID. This is not only the first year District Jazz has been back, but it is also the first year we have had in-person auditions to decide who will move on. Please congratulate all of these students next time you see them and come out to support our music department.