District and Region Choir

Recap on our Choir Festivals

All participants in the 2022-23 District Choir.

Carley Shoop, Performing Arts and Feature Editor

On January 14th, eight of our Marion Center choir members attended the District 3 Chorus Festival. Dillon Green, Charlie Marshall, Alex Johnson, Danielle Adams, Brittany McIntire, Allison Yeomans, Maddie Buffone, and Sadie Juart all performed spectacularly and upheld the high standard our choir is known for. 

These festivals are highly competitive and yet, four of our eight participants moved onto the region choir held on February 24th at Meadville High School. Dillon, Alex, Maddie, and Sadie all placed high at region choir. Sadie scored high enough to move on to All-State Choir and Maddie scored high enough to be first alternate at All-State. 

Seniors: Allison, Dillon, Alex, and Danielle have put so much effort into these festivals over their time in high school as well as so many other musical ensembles. Congratulations to those who performed in their last PMEA concert and good luck to Sadie, who has one more before graduation. 

Come out to the musical and spring concert later in the year to support our wonderful choir and congratulate these eight when you see them!