Lucky Ducks


Duck in the bee

Molly Spence, Assistant Editor

Have you noticed the ducks around the school? Maybe even found one? Whether you have or haven’t, there are plastic ducks all over the school, hidden, of course. Nobody knows whose spreading these ducks across the school, but the idea has become very popular since Monday. Students and staff are very interested in the spreading of these ducks. Many who have found the ducks consider them, “lucky ducks.”

These ducks are in the most random places, on lockers, on water fountains, etc. There is nothing with the ducks, just the ducks themselves.  As Thomas Carroll once said, “Ducks- especially miniature rubber ducks- are something that everyone can have a really happy connection to.” Although the ducks aren’t rubber, they seem to be having a connection with those that find them. Many are enthralled with the idea, because after all, why ducks?

Maybe it’s a kind gesture. Maybe it’s just to get people thinking. Maybe it’s something to brighten up someone’s bad day? Truth is we might never know. This gesture is spreading more students are getting interested in where in the world these ducks are coming from, where these ducks are, and how to get involved. The ducks are small but make a big impact on the students who find them.

Whoever is spreading them, is gaining popularity day by day, just anonymously. Whoever the person who is spreading these ducks is, keep up the great work. Students are happy and curious as ever, the ducks are helping create a positive educational environment and help students’ imaginations run wild while trying to find who is spreading them and where they are.

According to, ducks symbolize laughter, happiness, good luck, travel, and just enjoying life in general. Could the meaning behind the ducks be to have a good life, with lots of laughter, happiness, and travel but also wish those who find them good luck with their futures? Whatever the meaning is, good luck finding the ducks!