Year In Review
How was your 22-23 school year?
Class of 2023 senior picture
May 31, 2023
It’s essentially the end of the year, does it feel like it to you? This school year, we made many memories, many can’t and won’t forget. It’s hard to believe it’s over, and for some, their time here at Marion Center High School flashed quickly before their eyes, they are now graduating. This was the most “back-to-normal” school year we’ve had since the Covid lockdown. Below are some of the school-wide things that have happened this year.
- 7th-grade frog habitats

7th-grade Mr. Porter’s science class worked hard in creating livable ecosystems for frogs, here at MCHS. Those of which who helped create these habitats enjoyed their time and creative approach to the education of wildlife ecosystems.
- MCHS Halloween

This year for Halloween, MCHS presented a costume contest for all students, and many participated.
- District Choir
All participants in the 2022-23 District Choir.
On January 14, Dillon Green, Charlie Marshall, Alex Johnson, Sadie Juart, Maddie Buffone, Allison Yeomans, Brittany McIntire, Danielle Adams, and Mrs. Stolarz attended the PMEA District 3 Chorus Festival. Dillon, Alex, Maddie, and Sadie placed high. Sadie placed so high she moved on to All-State Choir, Maddie also placed very high, she then placed as first alternate at All-State.
- Disney trip (Band)

On February 2nd, the MCMB left with HCMB for Disney World. They prepared and performed “Mickey Mouse March”, “It’s a Small World”, “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” and “Prince of Thieves” wonderfully.
- District Jazz Band

On February 17, Alex Johnson, Sarah Moore, Olivia Short, Charlie Marshall, and Mr.Page traveled to Freeport High School to perform and reflect on the skills of the Marion Center Jazz Band.
- District Band

Mr.Page, Alex Johnson, Olivia Short, Danielle Adams, Carly Shoop, Dillon Green, and Charlie Marshall all went to Dubois High School to show their skills off in the district band. Alex, Carly, Dillon, and Charlie were able to participate in the region band.
- Cheersport

On February 18th and 19th, MC’s own Cheyenne Pruner, Lillan Coble, Athena Shipley, and Mckenna Boring participated in Cheersport, one of the biggest cheerleading competitions in the U.S. They competed as part of Turners Allstars of Indiana, or more widely known as TAI. TAI then left with three national titles.
- Chicago Teen Edition musical

On March 17th and 18th MCHS’, musical theatre program put on their rendition of CHICAGO: TEEN EDITION. All three performances had standing ovations before bows.
- MC Wrestlers State Championship
Gage Heilburn and Liam Cornetto participated in District Championship and moved on to PIAA State Wrestling Championship.
- MC Swimming State Championship
The Stingrays competed in the PIAA District 6 Swimming and Diving Championship. Nicole Scott broke her school record by 2 seconds, and Alek Valigia also broke a school record by .3 seconds.
- Robotics World Championship

The MCHS Robotics team and Larry (their robot) traveled to Houston Texas in the spring to compete in the Robotics World Championship. They qualified after winning the Rookie All-Star award in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- FBLA State Leadership Conference

The FBLA club traveled to Hershey to participate in the State Leadership Conference. They are moving on to Nationals in Atlanta over the summer.
- Miss Hopper gets Excellence In Education

Miss Hopper was announced as a winner at the first “Indiana County Excellence in Education.” Her reward along with the plaque she is holding above, was a 2023 Toyota Corolla.
- 22-23 Prom

On May 12, MCHS had their prom themed “A Night Under The Stars.” Leading up to the actual prom, students participated in different theme days such as “twin day.”
- Baseball heritage conference team

The Marion Center Varsity Baseball team won the Heritage Conference title, for the second consecutive year. The community is very impressed and proud of the varsity baseball team.
- Ducks around the school

The ducks around the school appeared in mid-May, but after the wave of ducks was found, (plastic toy) babies were then hidden around the school.
- 2023 Senior prank

One of the best senior pranks ever. Glitter everywhere. Cats and fish in classrooms, desks moved all around, a bench press in the hallway, and streamers everywhere, one could swear they were walking on a yellow brick road and not the stairs.
Have a good summer to those who will be back next year! And to those who are graduating, good luck with what the future brings! The Stinger hopes to see you next year!