The 2023-24 school year has come to its conclusion. Students and staff have made many memories over the course of the past 10 months. Below are some of the exciting things that have happened this school year.
A Million Dreams to Come and Pursue at IUP
Written By; Abigail Abd
On November 2, 2023, the Marion Center Senior High Choir performed “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Kopchick Hall at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Marion Center’s Senior High Choir was the only performing group selected to perform at the ceremony. They were one of the first people to step foot inside the brand-new Kopchick Hall, where they got to relax in the modern planetarium and look at the stars. Mrs. Stolarz, the choir director, was honored and said it was a “Really, really cool opportunity.”

Descendants Musical!
Written By: Abigail Abd
Marion Center Jr. Sr. High School’s production of “Disney’s Descendants (The Musical) was totally wicked. Performers were hyped up on opening night by the sold-out crowd awaiting their show. The lead role of Mal was played by Senior Mackenzee Shotts, who did an outstanding job in all three shows. Other Seniors involved in the musical included Lydia Miller, Brittany McIntire, Jordan Palmer, Macey Sleppy, Mya Lipsie, Mackenzie Thomas, and RJ Gutierrez. The musical included popular hits from all three of the Descendants movies, including “If Only,” “Ways to be Wicked,” “Space Between,” and “Rotten to the Core.” Students participating in the musical were led by directors, Mrs. Chellise Stolarz, Ms. Kara Kutsch, Ms. Caitlin Kalgren, and Ms. Chrissy Lyttle, who all greatly contributed to making this musical such a huge success. This year’s production of “Disney’s Descendants (The Musical)” was awesome to the core!
Heritage Conference: Impromptu Speaking
Written By: Sabrina Larson
On March 11, 2024, four of our Marion Center students voluntarily participated in the Heritage Conference impromptu speaking competition. One student from grades nine through twelve went to represent our school, Freshman Carissa Adkins, Sophomore Sabrina Larson, Junior Collin Anderson, and Senior Mackenzie Thomas all reflected our school with a good reputation of chosen speakers. The MVPs were the speakers with the best scores on their team. This year’s MVPs were Mackenzie Thomas and Sabrina Larson scoring 76/90.

Heritage Conference: Current Events
Written By: Sabrina Larson
On, March 11th, 2024, The Current Events Heritage Conference took place at Homer Center School District. The competitors representing Marion Center were Drew Runk (Junior), Ian Kutsch (Junior), Charlie Marshall (Junior), and Landon Cook (Junior). The students had to work together and take a series of tests that tested their knowledge about the recently occurring events that had happened. Marion Center placed sixth overall, with Charlie Marshall was the chosen as the teams MVP.

Heritage Conference: Family Consumer Science
Written By: Sabrina Larson
On Wednesday, March 12, 2024, Some of Marion Centers’s finest chefs took place in the Family Consumer Science Heritage Conference Competition, held at River Valley High School. The students representing Marion Center were, Sarah Mumau (Senior), Abigail Saxfield (Senior), Kari Miller (Senior), and, Alexis Bias (Senior). The competition included three different parts. In the first part, students were given three required ingredients and had one hour to complete a dish of their choice. Judges evaluated them on the taste of the food and their overall performance in the kitchen. The next part the students took place in a game show approached with hard questions on facets of finance, including banking, retirement, stocks, bonds, and more. In the last and final step of the competition the students had to accommodate a checking account for an entire month then they had to take a fifty-point test individually. Mrs. Kough the advisor of this trip said “The girls did an amazing job during the competition. I am so proud of all of them!” The team placed 6th in the competition and named Abigail Saxfield as the MVP, as she got the most points.

Heritage Conference: Science
Written By: Sabrina Larson
Mr. Hill took five students to the Science Heritage Conference these students included, Paul Smith (Senior), Anna Wilson (Senior), Lydia Miller (Senior), Mya Lipsie (Senior), and Carley Shoop (Junior). The students competed in 3 events. The first was an escape room that we finished in last place. The second was Quiz Bowl, where we did a little below average. The third was creating a paper tower out of one sheet of copy paper and 15 cm of tape. We came in third with a 121 cm tall tower. Marion Center placed 11th overall with our team MVPs being Paul Smith and Anna Wilson.

Heritage Conference: Math
Written By: Sabrina Larson
On March 14, 2024, five of MC’s strongest math minds competed in the Math Heritage Conference. Our five competitors for Marion Center were Venecia Johnston (Senior), Alek Vaglia (Senior), Cheyenne Silvis (Junior), Evan Risinger (Senior), and JJ Ferraro (Junior). Each team took a test individually, then they came together as a group to do different group activities. First, after arrival and a light breakfast, all students moved into the auditorium to take a test individually. After that was completed, they worked as teams for the rest of the activities. The auditorium is broken into three sections that teams rotate through working on a variety of types of math problems. After those three activities are done teams move to the stage and again work as a team to complete two more slightly longer math activities. After this, the students all moved to the library for lunch while grading was completed. After lunch, the winning teams were announced and each teacher picked an MVP from their respective school.

David McCormick – Visit to History Class
Written By: Carley Shoop
Senator Candidate David McCormick lost to Dr. Oz but is running again in the next election. He made a stop at Marion Center High School where the upper-level history classes got to hear him speak and the AP Government students got to ask questions to the senatorial candidate.
[Fox News]
Written By: Molly Spence
This year’s prom theme was Garden of Glamour, held at the beautiful Indiana County Country Club was an unforgettable night for all who attended. It was a night full of long dresses, dancing, smiles, and plenty of giggles. Memories were made that students will remember for a very long time. The stage for Grand March was beautifully decorated as couples had the privilege to walk through, creating memories for those who went to prom.

Girls Basketball is Sweet!
Written By: Abigail Abd
The girl’s basketball varsity team had a super successful season this year! After lots of hard work, they made it to the PIAA States Championship held in Hershey, Pennsylvania. It was the first time our school ever made it to the state championship. Most of our students jumped on pep buses to cheer them on at the game. In a pressing game against Kennedy Catholic, they found themselves winning 40-39. By the end of the game, they had hit a close score, but unfortunately, they found themselves down by a basket with the score 42-40. Even though they lost, they made history for our school and we are all extremely proud of them and looking forward to what they can achieve in the future.

D6 Football Playoffs
Written By: Molly Spence
Marion Center Varsity Football placed 8th and competed in the District 6 Football Playoffs. There they played against Northern Cambria. Unfortunately, that was where the road ended for the team, but their hard work and determination have not ended. Next school year the football team is moving up a seed, which requires more hard work, teamwork, and dedication from all players. The football is already working hard to prepare for the season next year.

Teacher of the Year: Mrs. Kutsch!
Written By: Rylan Gaston
Mrs. Kutsch, a second-grade teacher at W.A. McCreery Elementary, was voted by the community as the Marion Center Area School District Teacher of The Year. Her students have been inspired by her and she’s left an impact on all of the students she’s gotten to teach over her years as a teacher.
Written By: Carley Shoop
Our Marion Center FBLA traveled to the district and state level with some students even traveling to Orlando, Florida in the near future to represent Marion Center at the National FBLA Competition.

Charlie Marshall – Music
Written By: Abigail Abd
Charlie Marshall was qualified to perform in the Pennsylvania All-State Wind Ensemble for the trombone! It took a long process and a ton of hard work to make it there. Because he made it to states this year, he will automatically qualify for district band next year. He will also be able to apply for the All-Eastern band next year, which features students from many different states. Charlie’s hard work and dedication serves as a great example for how we should pursue the things we care about. Congratulations, Charlie!

Clare Lydic – FFA
Written By: Sabrina Larson
Clare Lydic competed in a public speaking competition for Future Farmers of America (FFA) she spoke about her family business, Lydic Enterprises. She first competed in the County Leadership Conference in Dairy and won first place. Then she competed in regionals in New Castle and got 2nd place. Clair is going to the States on June 11th at Penn State.
Written By: Carley Shoop
Junior Nicole Scott was one of the many swimmers who went to districts where she crushed the school record (which she already held). This sent her to states as the only Marion Center representative. Shortly after states, she was awarded athlete of the week by the Indiana Gazette.
Written By: Molly Spence
Junior, Olivia Short was crowned the 2023 Indiana County Fair Queen along with her alternate 2023 graduate from Purchase Line, Rylee Lee. On August 29th, 2023 the Queen Bee marched with the Marion Center Mean Green Marching Machine for Band Night at the Indiana County Fairgrounds with her crown and sash.

McKenna McCausland – First Ever ICTC Phlebotomy Technician
Written By: Molly Spence
Senior, McKenna McCausland made ICTC history by becoming the first Certified Phlebotomy Technician. She is the first student ever to pass the certification exam to earn the title. She spent lots of time with IRMC learning tips and tricks to help achieve her dream of becoming a Phlebotomist and has now achieved her dream.

Landon Cook – Team U.S. Youth Fly Fishing
Written By: Molly Spence
Landon Cook, a Junior, competed with 16 other young aspiring fly fishers to gain a spot on the United States Youth Fly-Fishing team. Landon had to place in the top 6, as there were 6 spots on the team, he showed consistent hard work and determination, which allowed him to make the top six! This year, he will need to compete with his teammates, in hopes of getting first or second place in order to place in the world championships! Good luck Landon!!!
Written By: Molly Spence
Evan Risinger, a Senior, set a new school record and qualified for the District 6 Championships as well as the PIAA State Championships. He pole vaulted over 14 feet, leading him to be the pole vault champ and 4th in the state of Pennslyvania.
Gavin Dicken – Rifle Team
Written By: Molly Spence
Sophomore Gavin Dicken, participates in the Co-Op Rifle Program, this year he was awarded the first place top Sophomore shooter and overall the top shooter of the 2024 rifle team.

Trey Slovinsky – ACME Machine Welding
Written By: Molly Spence
Trey Slovinsky, a Junior, placed third at ACME Machine and Welding. He attends ICTC and partners with ACME to help gain knowledge and experience in machine and welding categorized careers.

Marissa Lydic – Tuffest Jr. World Championship
Written By: Molly Spence
Marissa Lydic, a Sophomore, qualified for the Las Vegas Tuffest Jr. World Championship in December 2023. Marissa was one of only two contestants from Pennsylvania. She did not place however, she still got the honor to go and compete.

For all our student readers out there, we hope you have a fun and safe summer. To all the 2024 graduates, congratulations and good luck with what the future brings. The Stinger hopes to see you next year!!!