Face to Face VS. Online Learning

Sabrina Larson

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Face to Face VS. Online Learning

Is face to face learning better than online learning? Studies do show that you can access more information and have a better understanding of a teacher or a professor through a person’s body language or tone of voice. According to researchers, 65% of learners prefer in-person instructional learning. The other 27% would prefer a hybrid model or remote learning. However, students who have a difficult time with face-to-face learning tend to like remote learning a lot better. On the other hand, there are benefits to online learning as well. Some students tend to do a lot better at school when they are in the comfort of their own home. Learners also have more freedom with learning at home because they are with their family and friends. Some students can’t look at something one time and learn it. With the remote learning classes, you can go back and read or watch the same information repeatedly. This is because they have repeated access to their course material. People have also stated that they can enhance their time management skills.